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Es wurden 11396 Ergebnisse in 0 Millisekunden gefunden.



Universität Wien


Die Pharmazie ist die Wissenschaft der Beschaffenheit, Wirkung, Entwicklung, Prüfung, Herstellung und Abgabe von Arzneimitteln in der Industrie und den Apotheken befasst. Es sind nachfolgende Pflicht- und Wahlmodule zu absolvieren: - Kernfächer der Pharmazie - Grundlagen der Naturwissenschaften I - Grundlagen der Naturwissenschaften II - Biochemie,…

Universität Innsbruck



Universität Wien


Die Pferdewissenschaften beschäftigen sich intensiv mit Aspekten der Pferdewirtschaft, dem Pferdesport, der Zucht und dem Gestütswesen. Das Bachelorstudium Pferdewissenschaften wird von der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien und der Universität für Bodenkultur gemeinsam durchgeführt. Im ersten Jahr ist eine vierwöchige Praxis, im vierten…

Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien; Universität für Bodenkultur Wien



Technische Universität Wien



Technische Universität Wien


The core skills of architecture are planning, construction and design. Tasks include detailed planning, support structure planning and object planning, urban development, landscape design and spatial planning as well as the design of virtual spaces, always taking into account artistic, technical, ecological and social aspects. The degree programme…

Universität Innsbruck


The core skills of architecture are planning, construction and design. Tasks include detailed planning, support structure planning and object planning, urban development, landscape design and spatial planning as well as the design of virtual spaces, always taking into account artistic, technical, ecological and social aspects. The study programme…

Universität Innsbruck


Applied Plant Sciences teach students a well-founded interdisciplinary knowledge about functions and strategies of use of agrarian ecosystems for a responsible and competent guarantee of the production of plant primary products and foodstuffs. The master programme consists of compulsory subjects, compulsory focal subjects, elective subjects and…

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

Angewandte Linguistik

The degree programme Applied Linguistics is an advanced education in different fields of application of linguistics relevant for society. The programme lasts four semesters. It consists of five compulsory modules. Module four has to be chosen from either the field discourse analysis and sociolinguistics or language teaching research, language…

Universität Wien

Angewandte Ethik

Ethics deal with the motivation of values and norms by means of arguments, the role and function of ethical concepts and the rules and structures of decision processes. Based on this, applied ethics deal with the reflexion, pervasion and preparation of specific, socially relevant areas of human reality under the premise of acting and the claim for…

Universität Graz

Allgemeine Linguistik: Grammatiktheorie und kognitive Sprachwissenschaft

The degree programme in General Linguistics: Grammar Theory and Cognitive Linguistics is an advanced education of scientists in the field between cognitively aligned subdisciplines of linguistics such as psycho-, patho- or neurolinguistics and the different subdivisions of modern grammar theories. The programme lasts four semesters. It is divided…

Universität Wien



Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft

The degree programme in Agricultural and Food Economy provides the students with interdisciplinary and integrative knowledge and skills which are needed in the agricultural production chain. Human and animal food as well as renewable primary products are central aspects of the course. The relatively small number of compulsory subjects include…

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

Ausbildung zum/zur zert. Meditations- & AchtsamkeitstrainerIn

Inhalte - Überblick Theorie Förderliche Bedingungen für Meditation und Achtsamkeitsübung: z.B. Sitzhaltungen als Grundlage wirksamer Meditationspraxis, rechte Umgebung & innere Haltung, Konsum von Medien, Informationsmitteln ect. Grundlagen- und Wissensvermittlung zu den Methoden und den Themen:z.B. traditionelle Konzepte und Hintergründe,…

KOKON - Raum zu erblühen OG | Mindfulness Akademie - Standort Wien

Ausbildung zum/zur zert. Meditations- & AchtsamkeitstrainerIn

Inhalte - Überblick Theorie Förderliche Bedingungen für Meditation und Achtsamkeitsübung: z.B. Sitzhaltungen als Grundlage wirksamer Meditationspraxis, rechte Umgebung & innere Haltung, Konsum von Medien, Informationsmitteln ect. Grundlagen- und Wissensvermittlung zu den Methoden und den Themen:z.B. traditionelle Konzepte und Hintergründe,…

KOKON - Raum zu erblühen OG | Mindfulness Akademie

Lehrgang zur Schul- und Kindergartenassistenz

Inhalte: Pädagogik/Didaktik Entwicklungspsychologie Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen (ADHS, Authismus ect.) Organisation,Gesetzliche Grundlagen Persönlichkeitsentwicklung Berufliches Rollenbild Peergroupenarbeit Praktikum

ZiL "Zentrum für individuelle Lösungen"

Bauingenieurwissenschaften - Infrastruktur

Civil Engineering, Environment and Transportation shapes the technical environment. It designs, plans, constructs, builds and operates structures and is responsible for the infrastructure. Tasks also include the development of concepts, analysis and expertise. The work becomes evident in visible and non-visible structures, e.g. bridges, sewage…

Technische Universität Graz

Bauingenieurwissenschaften – Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau

Civil Engineering and Structural Engineering shapes the technical environment. It designs, plans, constructs, builds and operates structures and is responsible for the infrastructure. Tasks also include the development of concepts, analysis and expertise. The work becomes evident in visible and non-visible structures, e.g. bridges, sewage treatment…

Technische Universität Graz


Civil Engineering shapes the technical environment. It designs, plans, constructs, builds and operates structures and is responsible for the infrastructure. Tasks also include the development of concepts, analysis and expertise. The work becomes evident in visible and non-visible structures, e.g. bridges, sewage treatment plants. The discipline…

Technische Universität Wien



Technische Universität Wien



Universität Innsbruck

Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften

Civil and Environmental Engineering shapes the technical environment. It designs, plans, constructs, builds and operates structures and is responsible for the infrastructure. Tasks also include the drafting of plans, analysis and expertise. The work becomes evident in visible and non-visible structures, e.g. bridges, sewage treatment plants. The…

Universität Innsbruck


The degree programme Atmosphere Sciences deals with the nature and the processes of the atmo-, hydro-, cryo- and lithosphere. The bachelor programme contains on one hand compulsory modules in mathematics 1,2,3, physics 1,2, introduction to atmosphere, introduction to chemistry and geophysics, instrument studies and basic practical training,…

Universität Innsbruck


The subject Astronomy deals with the science of the universe, the celestial bodies (planets, stars, galaxies) and the outer space. The teaching of methodological and theoretical knowledge of astronomy and computer skills are central aspects. In the master programme Astronomy the compulsory modules cosmology and extragalactic astronomy, stars and…

Universität Wien

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