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- The master’s programme lasts four semesters and includes the following subjects: mathematics and statistics, conventional radiotherapy, functional imaging, physiology and pathology of functional imaging (1st semester); biosignal processing, indicators of functional imaging, radiation protection in radiotherapy, scientific and clinical studies (2nd semester); dosimetry, electronic patient records, image processing algorithms, marketing and sales, process engineering (3rd semester); master’s thesis, master’s seminar (4th semester). Students have to write a master’s thesis.

Duration / Workload (ECTS)

4 Semester / 120 ECTS*

Access Requirements

Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zum Studium ist der Abschluss eines vorangegangenen facheinschlägigen Studiums oder ein postsekundärer Abschluss in folgenden Bereichen: nuclear medicine, radiologicial diagnostics or radiation therapy.

Alternative Term

MedTech – International Masters Pogramme (E)


ECTS Credits

4 Semester / 120 ECTS*
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