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The discipline Computer Science – Software and Information Engineering deals with the planning, design and operation of software systems. Computer sciences assume the role of a “translator” for information technology contexts in companies. The bachelor's programme lasts six semesters and includes the following subjects: Introduction to computer sciences, structured programming, economic processes, English 1 (1st semester); Operating systems / networks, algorithms and objects, financial and process management, presentation techniques (2nd semester); Data management, algorithms and objects 2, stochastic structures, processes and information management, moderation techniques, English 3 (3rd semester); web applications, object-oriented analysis and design, IT management, English 4: Scientific writing (4th semester); system architectures, enterprise applications, eMarketing, eBusiness (5th semester); elective seminars, English 6: Intercultural Communication (6th semester). Students have to complete a 12-week practice-oriented internship. A study period at one of the partner universities is recommended during the 6th semester.

Duration / Workload (ECTS)

6 Semester / 180 ECTS*

Access Requirements

Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zum Studium ist die Matura oder Berufsreifeprüfung oder bei SBP eine der folgenden Studienrichtungen: Elektrotechnik, Informatik, technische Mathematik, Telematik, Mechatronik, Physik, Astronomie oder Petroleum Engineering. Sie soll mindestens folende Prüfungsfächer umfassen: Deutsch, Mathematik 3, Physik 1, Englisch 1, 1 Wahlfach.

Alternative Term

Computer Science – Software and Information Engineering

Admission Procedure


ECTS Credits

6 Semester / 180 ECTS*
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