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The programme imparts marketing skills for organic and ecological products such as food, organic cosmetics, building materials, detergents and cleaning agents, colours or textiles. The programme focuses on the processing and marketing of organic products. The master’s programme lasts four semesters and includes the following subjects: introduction to green business, corporate social responsibility, basics of green marketing, brand management, trends & new markets, consumer research, strategic communication planning, PR strategy (1st semester); green economy, target groups & consumer insight, organic certification, basics of media design, campaign conception, applied production (2nd semester); trend spotting excursion, social media, e-commerce, applied eco-balancing, research seminar, seminar for students about to write their master’s thesis 1 (3rd semester); crisis communication, seminar for students about to write their master’s thesis 2, master’s thesis (4th semester). Students can acquire intercultural skills within the framework of semesters abroad and study trips. Students also have to write a master’s thesis.

Duration / Workload (ECTS)

4 Semester / 120 ECTS*

Access Requirements

Einschlägiger Bachelorabschluss im Umfang von mindestens 180 ECTS oder gleichwertiger postsekundärer Bildungsabschluss. Einschlägige Voraussetzungen sind: mindestens 30 ECTS in wirtschaftswissen- schaftlichen oder naturwissenschaftlichen / technischen Fächern. Fehlende Voraussetzungen können am Campus Wieselburg in der Summer School nachgeholt werden. Aufnahmeprüfung: Schriftlicher Test und ein anschließendes persönliches Bewerbungsgespräch mit der Studiengangsleitung.

Alternative Term

Green Marketing (Organic Business & Marketing)

Admission Procedure


ECTS Credits

4 Semester / 120 ECTS*
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