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The Data Science & Intelligent Analytics degree programme focuses on skills related to the collection, integration, storage, analysis and use as well as the innovative handling of data. Skills in the area of organisation and management of data-driven projects and products are also taught. The study programme focuses on problem-based learning with practice-relevant datasets and technology packages specially prepared for this purpose: Data Science labs (hardware & software, infrastructure and big data sets). The master’s programme teaches a portfolio of skills that address different sections of the value chain: from raw data to underlying cross-cutting functions (management, strategy and business ethics) to economic success.

Duration / Workload (ECTS)

4 Semester / 120 ECTS*

Access Requirements

Aufnahmegespräch. Bewerberinnen und Bewerber können entscheiden, ob sie das Aufnahmegespräch online über MS Teams oder vor Ort an der FH machen möchten.

Alternative Term

Data Science & Intelligent Analytics

Admission Procedure


ECTS Credits

4 Semester / 120 ECTS*
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